13 thoughts on “Guardian Chapter 43 – Subject Specialisations

  1. Wahh, that little theatre set in the future is sweeter than chocolates! I love seeing Shulin so flirty ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Thank you for the chapter โค

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    1. Right. There is not enough dog food flying around here! So that is why I am happy with this author’s notes hence why I translating it. Thank you for commenting ๐Ÿ˜€

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  2. So that was one of the fluffiest author’s notes I’ve read! Haha!

    That deskmate is going to cause trouble in the future. Alas, our Shulin is too attractive for his own good!

    Side note- I really love that story behind the vinegar saying! It’s really a sweet little love story!

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Thank you very much for this chapter๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
    โค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜I appreciate your hard work translating this storyโฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ

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  4. Well,Shulin, I think you were a bit exaggerated, I understand that you love ML and you don’t want to be confused with him but they are children !! You shouldn’t have treated the girl like that in front of people, it was enough to take her out of school to talk to her, not in front of everyone, come on, she’s a girl! … If after that she still didn’t give up, there yeah say it in front of everyone.

    Besides, she really thought you accepted her gift and you agreed, why didn’t you go the next day to tell her that you had lost it but you didn’t accept it?

    Apparently I have already visited you several times in the classroom but you just avoided it and did not clarify the issue …


    1. No. This was literal harassment. People have different personalities, body language etc. The way the MC never reacted to the teasing or never associating with her beyond being polite greetings was already a clear rejection. Holding others over their mild personality is called taking advantage of them. She’s coming way agressive, manipulating the people around them into believing her, taking advantage of MC temper to position herself. If she was more believable, MC would be pressured into the so called relationships. Don’t belittle peer pressure, HS students could really be mean little demons. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she cried after this stating that it was MC leading her on.

      As a girl myself, I hate how I had to point out or explain when it’s the girls harassing people. Those things always just flew past people eyes somehow that even the victims themselves didn’t know how they are cornered to take ‘responsibility’. If it’s an agressive guy, passing himself as some suitor, forcing a relationship to a mellow girl, how strongly people will react?(it’s disgusting how this type of things need to be explain this way. Harassment should be harassment regardless of gender.)

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      1. I agree with you. This is why I’m not mad or disappointed with how Shulin did it. Of course, he might have wanted to say it Liu Fen only. Like, say it personally to her and far away from people but that lady is going too far. She is straight delusional. Sure, Shulin accepted the chocolate but it was also stated earlier that he did take time to tell her, that he is rejecting her confessions. So why is she still insisting? At this point, she is just taking advantage of him cause he acts polite and gentlemanly. Although, we know Shulin can bite really hard if he needs to.

        I also agree at the last part, somehow I can see that happening. Hopefully, it don’t. Also, don’t get me wrong. A female and I understand this the most personally. HS students can lil demons who can ruin someone else life.

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